Format and Grouping of Clauses of the Collective Agreement

When drafting your CA, take note of the required formatting required and how to group clauses.

If you have an existing CA and are drafting your next CA, you should make the changes to any of the terms and conditions of employment on IAC's Approved Softcopy of Collective Agreement (ASCA) of the existing CA. This was sent to all parties when the existing CA was certified. 

Why use ASCA

The ASCA must be used as it:

  • meets IAC's required format for gazetting purposes;
  • incorporates all past amendments made to past editions of the CA; and
  • allows instant detection of any new changes made.

When drafting the CA, ensure that it meets the following requirements and formatting:








English (British and not United State)





Page Layout Format


 Paper size: A4
 Top margin: 3cm
 Right margin: 3cm
 Bottom margin: 3cm
 Left margin: 3.5cm
 Header: 1cm
 Font / Font size: Arial 12
 Spacing: 1.5 spacing
 Page Numbering: Page _ of _
 Printing: Single-sided








Clause / Paragraph Style

For Main Clause, use numerals i.e. 1,2,3, etc.

For Sub-clause, use numerals in brackets i.e. (1),(2),(3) etc.

(1) A shift allowance shall be paid depending on the duty roster as follows: ...      
(2) Transport allowance will be paid ...

For Paragraph, use letters in brackets i.e. (a),(b),(c) etc.

(a) 1st shift - nil
(b) 2nd shift - ...

For Sub-paragraph, use Roman numerals in brackets i.e. (i),(ii) etc.

(i) Ending between 2200 and 2400 hours - S$6.00
(ii) Ending between 2400 and 0800 hours - S$8.00